The Mission
Through a Torah lens, Torah Day School of Seattle, nurtures each student to LOVE Hashem and live Torah, to LEARN about themselves and the world, and to ACT with derech eretz.
The Vision
Our goal is to provide each student with the requisite skills, refinement of character, and love of Torah necessary to lead lives as contributing members of Klal Yisrael and society.
THE “Rashi” on the MISSION:
Through a Torah lens,-Everything we do, is built on a foundation of Torah. The wisdom of Chazal guides us in all that we do and how we see our purpose.
the Torah Day School of Seattle nurtures each student-"Nurtures" means in a loving and caring manner. Not forced or unpleasant. Jewish Education should be a positive experience, based on the needs of each student.
to LOVE Hashem and- Regardless of where we find ourselves in life, a relationship with Hashem is of utmost importance. It's not enough to just observe the laws, we must teach the students in a way that they will feel connected to Hashem throughout their lives.
live Torah,-Halacha drives the bus- we must teach the students how to fulfill their responsibility as Torah-observant Jews and their connection to the Land of Israel, the Torah, and its people. Living Torah is an every moment experience.
to LEARN about themselves-Self-awareness and mental health is a pillar for healthy relationships in life. The foundation must be laid here, modeled here, and encouraged here.
and the world,- We are Jews living in a secular society. We must teach the students how to be successful Jews in the society that we currently exist. An understanding of Math, Science, Social studies, and Language Arts is imperative to be able to be a well-functioning, successful adult.
and to ACT with derech eretz-We are judged on the highest standards based on how we treat others. It is our goal to create and encourage an environment of respect for everyone.
““Educate each child according to his own way, and even when he is old, he will not depart from it””